Make your graduation day truly memorable!
in their caps and gowns, a mass of color, in procession to receive their diplomas.
A scene that will live in memory.
It's a day of recognition for the long hours of study.
It's a day of achievement.
It's a day for the parents, happy and brimming with pride.
...and it's the beginning of the future.
And Gowns Make The Difference.
Our Souvenir
Gowns are shirred at the yoke and are made from 100% polyester - lightweight
and crease resistant. Over 90 years in business is your assurance that you will
receive gowns as ordered and on time.
are available in thirteen academic colors: white, black, gray, bright gold,
sky blue, royal blue, emerald green, rose, navy, red, purple, forest green,
and maroon.
Packages include a gown, cap
and tassel.
View complete Souvenir Gown specifications